Sunday, March 30, 2008

You gotta love April Fools Day...

My darling kids love April Fools Day. It's right up there with Halloween & Christmas for sheer entertainment value. They've been practicing their "gags" for the last few days. "Mom, there's a spider on your shoulder, April Fools!" seems to be a big one. I don't feign surprise well. I try...the first twenty or thirty times they "fool" me on Tuesday (before I have my coffee no doubt), I'll shriek & startle, scream & dinner-time, I'll have had enough, but if last year is any indication they won't give up the "foolin" until bedtime... It's funny how happy it makes them to think they're getting one over on me. I have children that believe that their darlin' momma really does know everything. My daughter (sweet at 7) talks pretty much non-stop from the moment she wakes up until the moment she lays her pretty head down to go to sleep at night. The only time she's not talking is when she's reading (and half the time she's reading out loud to me) and when she's eating (and let's not even talk about how often she's talking while eating...). Half of what she's saying is in the form of a question and she remembers everything... I have to really watch how I answer her because there is no room for lazy, half-thought-out answers when you have a talker... She immediately files everything I say to her away for future use... It's the sweet, innocent way that they truly believe in me to tell them the truth, to be smarter, wiser, stronger & all knowing...that can really make me appreciate how they look at me... So for one day a year I play the "April fool" for them...shrieking at invisible spiders & worrying over stains on my shirt that aren't there & all of the other silly things that they'll say and do on Tuesday to feel smarter than their momma... And I'll hold on to these last few years when they really do believe everything I say...I hear it doesn't last... By the way, there's a fly in your coffee..April Fools!!!