Monday, November 5, 2007's not just for breakfast anymore...

I've always been a coffee coffee maker turns on before my alarm clock in the morning. My kids don't even look at me & the dog won't come out of the crate until I've had my "first cup". By the third cup. I'm ready to face my day... whether I'm off to the kids' school, on my way to the office or driving to one of many weekend sporting events... I need my coffee. Lately I've noticed that I've begun to alter my driving routes to pass by a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks... And I know I'm not the only one... One of the above mentioned coffee shops can be found at every intersection in my Jersey suburb... At my kids' soccer games (baseball games, basketball games, dance class) everyone is carrying a "to go" cup. Is it the long hours? Most of us start our day at dawn...hustle kids out to school & then work or run errands until the sun goes down...then it's time for team practices, dance class, music with the homework, have we even fed them dinner yet??? Is it the hectic? I absolutely know that too much coffee makes me jittery. The problem is, not enough coffee and I'm falling asleep folding laundry at 8:00 at night...and I need to get the laundry folded so that I can watch...Private Practice or Greys Anatomy (depending on the night)... guilt free. So what's a busy, (part time) working mom with a caffeine addiction to do? I'll let you know tomorrow...right now I need to order my grande with cream & sugar...

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